Refurbished is not the same thing as used or secondhand. Our sellers are held to rigorous quality guidelines that ensure every item we sell runs like new. The refurbishment process they adhere to includes meticulously cleaning, testing, and assessing every item, as well as replacing aging parts with high-quality new components. Meanwhile, with secondhand or used items, you’re left to the private seller’s good word as to their true condition, and with no guarantee or warranty.
This warranty is limited to technical defects and component issues that affect the functionality of your item. It doesn't cover accidental breakage or compatibility and software upgrade issues, so make sure you read up about the limits of older models and check your phone carrier's website for models they don't support.
Yes! This device is compatible with the latest software updates.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. PayPal and Affirm are also options if offered by the seller. We don’t accept payments via bank transfer, check, or cash.
We are happy to help you! Our customer support is available 24/7, kindly reach out to us through the contact section on this website.